How do energy-based aesthetic devices treat acne?

Energy-based aesthetic technology – like certain lasers and intense pulsed light (IPL) devices – offers an effective approach to acne treatment in two different ways:

  • The devices can target Cutibacterium acnes, a bacterium that causes inflammation associated with acne and other conditions.

  • They can also improve skin health and quality beyond acne, thereby enhancing the overall results and complexion – this is something many topical treatments or conventional acne medications simply cannot do.

Primary benefits of energy-based aesthetic devices for acne

Reduction of acne scars

As medical aesthetic technology evolves, these devices increasingly play a crucial role in preventing or treating the fibrous scar tissue that forms after acne breakouts.

  • Some lasers and IPLs can treat both acne scars and active acne, offering two-fold support against these persistent issues. 

  • Different devices can target and treat different types of acne scars. Vascular-focused lasers, ablative fractional lasers and non-AFLs each perform unique functions for skin, and some reduce post-inflammatory erythema and hyperpigmentation concerns as well. 

  • When used properly, most devices are safe and effective across all skin colors, providing benefits for those who may have been traditionally limited in skincare options.

Improved overall skin texture

As part of their general indications, aesthetic devices can significantly improve skin texture. Here’s how:

  • They address the pathogenesis and complications of acne, resulting in smoother skin texture. The treatments are usually well-tolerated, comfortable, and, in some cases, may be combined with other treatments such as topical and oral medications, depending on the device and the medication.

  • Devices like our MediLight IPL and our MediSpa can be used to provide “lunchtime” sessions – these treatments also contribute to overall skin rejuvenation.

  • More powerful technology can deliver even more dramatic results. Fractional lasers, for example, ensure total renewal to improve skin texture. That means a reduction in acne and smoother, fully-resurfaced skin.

  • Some devices can gently diminish redness and swelling as well, treating both the cause and the visible inflammation associated with acne.

Reduction of acne-induced anxiety

As research repeatedly shows, acne has a profoundly negative impact on self-esteem and quality of life. For patients dealing with acne-induced anxiety, energy-based technology could be a game changer.

  • The treatments are non- or minimally-invasive, and often come with no downtime. That means it’s a low-stress approach to acne.

  • A track record of patient satisfaction and proven results offer reassurance where other methods fall short. 

  • A healthier complexion boosts confidence, serving as a catalyst for improved social and professional interactions.

Decreased need for other acne treatments

IPLs and laser treatments can reduce or eliminate the need for short-term acne treatments that often come with inconsistent results. 

  • Fewer side effects: Traditional treatments like retinoids can cause harmful irritation, but lasers and IPLs are much easier to tolerate. 

  • Effective: Clinical research shows high satisfaction rates across all skin types.

  • No antibiotic resistance issues: Unlike oral medications, these devices don’t come with difficult side effects or contribute to antibiotic resistance.

  • Less reliance on patient compliance: No daily application or pills are required, decreasing chances of non-compliance.

Energy-based treatments for acne: Professional guidance

To give yourself and your patients the best chance of success, it’s important to follow a workable treatment roadmap: Identify your patient’s specific skincare needs, consider any contraindications, develop a practical treatment plan, and, of course, choose the right device. 

Identify your patient needs

  • Assess the severity and type of acne.

  • What is the patient’s overall skincare goal? In addition to a clear complexion, do they want to reduce pores, brighten their skin tone, or lift and tighten? This will help you determine any combined treatments that may be necessary.

  • As always, be sure to determine the patient’s skin type and sensitivity level.

Choose the right aesthetic device

  • Gain a working understanding of various devices such as lasers, IPL, radiofrequency, ultrasound, and light emitting diodes. These are all powerful options in any aesthetic toolkit.

  • Learn about the technical considerations of these devices. At Medicreations, clinical training is included with the purchase of your device – so you’ll know exactly how to operate the device for optimal results.

Develop a workable treatment plan 

  • Remember: Compliance is critical! Make sure patients understand the importance of a consistent treatment schedule, and always emphasize the need for SPF and sun safety within those treatment windows.


There’s no question that acne can take a painful toll on those who suffer from outbreaks and scarring. Fortunately, there’s technology to combat this common but frustrating condition.

As an aesthetic practitioner, you can use your Medicreations device to help acne sufferers navigate their breakouts and even improve their overall self-esteem. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about our acne-fighting innovations.